Please browse our alphabetized list of media acronyms. If you don't find the acronym you're looking for, you may want to try searching Google by typing in the acronym plus "stands for." So, for instance, if you wanted to know the meaning of MGM, you'd type in "MGM stands for." This simple phrasing has turned up many hard to find acronyms that are now categorized on this web site.

A&E - Arts and Entertainment
ABC - American Broadcasting Corporation
AFV - America's Funniest Videos
AMC - American Multi-Cinema
AP - Associated Press
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
BMG - Bertelsmann Music Group
CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System or Central Broadcasting Station
CCM - Contemporary Christian Music (a Christian magazine)
CNN - Cable News Network
CR - Consumer Reports
CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
FHM - For Him
FNC - Fox News Channel
FSB - Fortune Small Business
GQ - Gentleman's Quarterly
HBO - Home Box Office
IBD - Investors Business Daily
LBN - Levine Breaking News (see
MCA - The Music Corporation of America
MGM - Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
MTV - Music Television
NBC - National Broadcasting Corporation
NPR - National Public Radio
PBS - Public Broadcasting System
RCA - Radio Corporation of America
SKG - Spielberg, Katzenberg,and Geffen (DreamWorks)
SNL - Saturday Night Live
SWK - Star Wars Kid (see
TBN - Trinity Broadcasting Network
TLC - The Learning Channel
TNN - The National Network
VH1 - Video Hits #1
VMA - Video Music Awards (put on by MTV)
WSJ - Wall Street Journal