Please browse our alphabetized list of music acronyms. If you don't find the acronym you're looking for, you may want to try searching Google by typing in the acronym plus "stands for." So, for instance, if you wanted to know the meaning of STP, you'd type in "STP stands for." This simple phrasing has turned up many hard to find acronyms that are now categorized on this web site.
AOR - Album Oriented Rock
ATYCLB - All That You Can't Leave Behind (by U2)
AWB - Average White Band
BOC - Blue Oyster Cult
CCR - Creedence Clearwater Revival
CJA - Christian Jazz Artists
CMF - Creative Music Format
CSN - Crosby, Stills & Nash
DC Talk -
Decent Christian Talk (alternative: District of Columbia, the location the band members met)
DJ - Disc Jockey
ELP - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
EP - Extended Play (Record)
FFH - Far From Home
GNP - Gabber Nullification Project
HTDAAB - How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (by U2)
ICP - Insane Clown Posse
LAMC - Latin Alternative Music Conference
LP - Long Play (Record)
MXPX - Magnified Plaid
NBA - National Band Association
NIN - Nine-Inch Nails
OC Supertones - Orange County Supertones
POD - Payable On Death
REM - Rapid Eye Movement
STP - Stone Temple Pilots
TFK - Thousand Foot Krutch