Please browse our alphabetized list of education acronyms. If you don't find the acronym you're looking for, you may want to try searching Google by typing in the acronym plus "stands for." So, for instance, if you wanted to know the meaning of ACT, you'd type in "ACT stands for." This simple phrasing has turned up many hard to find acronyms that are now categorized on this web site.
ABE - Adult Basic Education
ACT - American College Test
AP - Advanced Placement
BMOC - Big Man On Campus
CE - Continuing Education
CSAP - Colorado Student Assessment Program
EOC - End-of-Course
EOG - End-of-Grade
FCAT - Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test
GED - General Education Diploma
GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test
GPA - Grade Point Average
GRE - Graduate Record Examination
HS - High School
IEP - Individualized Educational Plan
IHS - I Hate School
JV - Junior Varsity
LA - Language Arts
LSAT - Law School Admission Test
MEAP - Massachusetts Educational Assessment Program
NCLB - No Child Left Behind
NEA - National Education Association
OT - Occupational Therapy
PTA - Parent-Teacher Association
SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test
TA - Teacher's Aide
VBS - Vacation Bible School